dianlujitao 09bb619041 sm7250-common: Make fastrpc_shell_3 publicly available
* Used by GCAM for DSP-accelerated HDR processing
 * Arguably we should label /vendor/dsp/cdsp/fastrpc_shell_3 to
   same_process_hal_file like Pixels, but the partition is prebuilt thus
   we're unable to relabel it.
 * Copy the file to writable tmpfs, setup attributes and bind mount back
   to workaround the limitation.

Allow adsp/cdsprpcd and neuralnetworks HAL to access fastrpc_shell_3

[kras edit:
 1. rename some contexts as per qva/kona
 2. extend to allow camera HAL and VPP service to access it as well]

Co-authored-by: Adithya R <>
Change-Id: Ide90e5c7307d413db5ece736e859559f06679545
2021-12-01 13:02:03 +01:00

22 lines
755 B

# For interfacing with PowerHAL
hal_client_domain(hal_camera_default, hal_power)
# Allow hal_camera_default to read to vendor_sysfs_kgsl
r_dir_file(hal_camera_default, vendor_sysfs_kgsl)
# Allow hal_camera_default to read to mnt/vendor/persist/camera
r_dir_file(hal_camera_default, camera_persist_file)
r_dir_file(hal_camera_default, mnt_vendor_file)
r_dir_file(hal_camera_default, vendor_persist_sensors_file)
allow hal_camera_default remosaic_daemon_service:service_manager find;
allow hal_camera_default proc_stat:file read;
set_prop(hal_camera_default, vendor_camera_prop)
allow hal_camera_default socket_device:sock_file write;
allow hal_camera_default proc_stat:file { open };
allow hal_camera_default public_adsprpcd_file:file r_file_perms;